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Jan 21, 2015

Bill O'Reilly's Role in Fomenting Domestic Terrorism

Bill is an educated, experienced, world historian who should be far more aware of the power volatile rhetoric has on extremists in the general populace than the extremists would have themselves.

Since the assassination of Dr. George Tiller, Bill O'Reilly has insisted that he bears absolutely no responsibility for this heinous act. However, we believe that his hateful rhetoric and his constant crusade against Tiller played a role in the murder. Evidence of domestic terrorism can also be found in the case of James Adkisson, who opened fire in a Church after reading books by popular right wing TV pundits.

James Adkisson Bill O'Reilly
James Adkisson read Bill O'Reilly's
book and watched his program
on Fox.
There is more domestic terrorism from a guy who Billo worshiped. Cliven Bundy the deadbeat cattle rancher who refused to pay grazing fees, about $1 million to the federal government, had three followers who wounded two cops and killed two policemen. The husband and wife team that killed two poliemen in Nevada were at Bundy's ranch and were kicked off because they were acting crazy.

Even more, a crazy Bundy follower in California named Brent Douglas Cole shot a BLM officer and a Highway Patrol Officer in a confrontation. I guess Billo and all deadbeat rancher supporters have blood on their hands. If they can blame people who think cops shouldn't be able to choke subdued suspects to death on video cameras on a crazy man killing two cops, then you can blame Billo for the murders and shootings by Bundy supporters.

Bill O'Reilly did not call for any violence against anyone, he has no legal responsibility for those deaths and injuries. His moral ambiguity in the incitement of violent extremists is in question. Bill is an educated, experienced, world historian who should be far more aware of the power volatile rhetoric has on extremists in the general populace than the extremists would have themselves.

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